This is the gallery page. Here are collected a variety of photos, sketches, and other media related to my travels and writings, in roughly reverse chronological order. This includes all photographs that are attached to posts, including many that were cut.
It’s perhaps worth stating here for the record: these images, and for that matter, all original content on this site, are mine, and as such, are subject to copyright. Reposting them elsewhere without prior written permission is not okay.
Original captions from the posts where images were featured are included.
For reference: this was the beginning of totality.This was exactly 30 seconds later.
Other photos that were cut
The reason most of these photos are so mediocre at best is because, in addition to being captured on a phone, they had to, for safety reasons, be taken by aiming the phone in the general direction of the sun, and hitting the button without looking.
An unnatural twilight.
A few fleeting snaps of totality; the phone camera’s auto-focus and lense flare made it harder to really capture the moment.
Pictured: The main hallway as seen from the Grand Ballroom. Notice the moose on the right, above the fireplace.A beautiful picture of Mt. Washington at sunset from the hotel’s loungeUS, Canadian, and Soviet delegates discuss the merits of Free TradePhoto slightly digitally adjusted to compensate for bad lighting during our tourIt was also, evidently, the beginning of the age of minituraized flags.There’s a plaque on the door to the room in which the agreement was signed. I’m sure there’s something metaphorical in there.Pictured: The beginning of a remarkable friendship between US and USSR delegatesThat guy on the right is going to keep coming up.