Prophets and Fortune-Tellers

I have long thought about how my life would be pitched if it were some manner of story. The most important thing which I have learned from these meditations is that I am probably not the protagonist, or at least, not the main protagonist. This is an important distinction, and a realization which is mainly the product of my reflections on the general depravity of late middle and early high school.

A true protagonist, by virtue of being the focus of the story, is both immune to most consequences of the plot, and, with few deliberate exceptions, unquestionably sympathetic. A protagonist can cross a lot of lines, and get off scot free because they’re the protagonist. This has never been my case. I get called out on most everything, and I can count on one hand the number of people who have been continually sympathetic through my entire plight.

But I digress from my primary point. There are moments when I am quite sure, or at least, seriously suspect, that I am in the midst of an important plot arc. One such moment happened earlier this week, one day before I was to depart on my summer travels. My departure had already been pushed back by a couple of days due to a family medical emergency (for once, it wasn’t me this time), and so I was already on edge.

Since New Year’s, but especially since spring, I have been making a conscious effort to take walks, ideally every day, with a loose goal of twenty thousand steps a week. This program serves three purposes. First, it provides much needed exercise. Second, it has helped build up stamina for walking while I am traveling, which is something I have struggled with in the recent past. Third, it ensures that I get out of the house instead of rotting at home, which adds to the cycle of illness, fatigue, and existential strife.

I took my walk that day earlier than usual, with the intention that I would take my walk early, come home, help with my share of the packing, and have enough time to shower before retiring early. As it were, my normal route was more crowded than I had come to expect, with plenty of fellow pedestrians.

As I was walking through the park, I was stopped by a young man, probably about my age. He was dressed smartly in a short sleeve polo and khaki cargo shorts, and had one of those faces that seems to fit too many names to be properly remembered in any case.

“Sir, could I have just a moment of your time?” He stammered, seemingly unsure of himself even as he spoke.

I was in a decent enough mood that I looked upon this encounter as a curiosity rather than a nuisance. I slid off my noise-cancelling headphones and my hat, and murmured assent. He seemed to take a moment to try and gather his thoughts, gesturing and reaching his arms behind his neck as he tried to come up with the words. I waited patiently, being quite used to the bottleneck of language myself.

“Okay, just,” he gestured as a professor might while instructing students in a difficult concept, “light switch.”

I blinked, not sure I had heard correctly.

“Just, light switch.” He repeated.


“I know it’s a lot to take in right now.” He continued, as though he had just revealed some crucial revelation about life, the universe, and everything, and I would require time for the full implications of this earth-shattering idea to take hold. Which, in a way, he wasn’t wrong. I stood there, confused, suspicious, and a little bit curious.

“Look, just,” He faltered, returning to his gesturing, which, combined with his tone, seemed designed to impress upon me a gravity that his words lacked, “Be yourself this summer. Use it to mould yourself into your true self.”

I think I nodded. This was the kind of advice that was almost axiomatic, at least as far as vacations were concerned. Though it did make me wonder if it was possible that this person was aware that I was departing on the first of several summer trips the following day, for which I had already resolved to attempt to do precisely that. It was certainly possible to imagine that he was affiliated with someone whom I or my family had informed of our travel plans. He looked just familiar enough that I might have even met him before, and mentioned such plans in passing.

I stared at him blankly for several seconds, anticipating more. Instead, he smiled at me, as though he expected me to recognize something in what he was saying and to thank him.

“I’m literally hiding in plain sight I can’t control what I do.” He added, in one single run-on sentence, grinning and gesturing wildly in a way that made me suddenly question his sanity and my safety. He backed away, in a manner that led me to believe that our conversation was over.

My life support sensors informed me that I needed to sit down and eat within the next five minutes, or I would face the possibility of passing into an altered state of consciousness. I decided to take my leave, heading towards a park bench. I heard the command “Remember!” shouted in my general direction, which gave me an eerie tingling in the back of my neck and spine, more so than the rest of that conversation.

By the time I sat down and handled the life support situation, the strange young man had seemingly vanished. I looked for him, even briefly walking back to where we had stood, but he was gone. I tried to write down what I could of the exchange, thinking that there was a possibility that this could be part of some guerrilla advertising campaign, or social experiment. Or maybe something else entirely.

Discussing the whole encounter later, my brother and I came up with three main fields of possibilities. The first is simply that going up to strangers and giving cryptic messages is someone’s idea of a prank, performance art piece, or marketing campaign. This seems like the most likely scenario, although I have to admit that it would be just a little disappointing.

The second is that this one particular person is simply a nutter, and that I merely happened to be in the right time and place to be on the receiving end of their latest ramblings. Perhaps to them, the phrase “light switch” is enough of a revelation to win friends and influence people. This has a bit more of a poetic resonance to it, though it is still disappointing in its own way.

The third possibility, which is undoubtedly the least likely, but which the author and storyteller in me nevertheless gravitates towards, is that this is only the beginning of some much grander plot; that the timing is not mere coincidence, but that this new journey will set in motion the chain of events in which everything he mentioned will be revealed as critical to overcoming the obstacles in my path.

The mythos of the oracle offering prophecy before the hero’s journey is well-documented and well-entrenched in both classic and modern stories. Just as often as not, the prophecy turns out to be self fulfilling to one degree or another. In more contemporary stories, this is often explained by time travel, faster than light communication, future viewing, or some other advanced technological phenomenon. In older stories, it is usually accommodated by oracles, prophets, and magicians, often working on behalf of the fates, or even the gods themselves, who, just like humans, love a good hero’s story. It certainly seems like the kind of thing that would fit into my life’s overall plot arc.

In any case, we arrived at our first destination, Disney World, without incident, even discovering a lovely diner, the Highway Diner, in Rocky Mount, NC, along the way. I won’t delve into too many details about it on the grounds that I am considering writing a future post on a related subject, but suffice it to say, the food and service were top notch for an excellent price. We also discovered that electrical storms, as are a daily occurrence in Florida, interfere with my life support sensors, though we are working through this. I have been working the speech I am to give at the conference we are attending, and I expect, with or without prophecy, that things will go reasonably well.

A Few Short Points

1: Project Crimson Update

Look, let’s get this out of the way: I’m pretty easy to excite and amuse. Give me something for free, and it’ll make my day. Give me some item that I can use in my normal routine, and it will make my week. So far, my free trial of YouTube Red/ Google Play music has hit all of these buttons, which is good, because it goes a long way towards assuaging my parentally-instilled aversion to ever parting with my credit card number for any reason whatsoever.

Last week, I mentioned that this had been something that I had been considering. Today, after receiving my new iPhone SE in the mail, I decided to pull the trigger. In my research, I actually managed to find a slightly better deal; four months’ free trial instead of three, with the same terms and conditions, through a referral code from another tech blog. Technically my trial is with Google Play Music, but seeing as it has the same price as YouTube Red, and gets YouTube Red thrown in for free (it also works the same way the other way around; Red subscribers get Google Play Music for free as part of their subscription), the distinction is academic in my case, and only matters in other countries where different laws govern music and video services, forcing the split.

With about six hours of experience behind me, I can say that so far I am quite pleased with the results so far. I certainly wouldn’t recommend it as a universal necessity, and I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone trying to keep an especially tight budget. Ten dollars a month isn’t nothing, and the way things seem to be set up to be automated makes it deceptively easy to simply keep paying. Moreover, because purchasing YouTube Red requires a Google payment account, it removes one more psychological barrier from spending more in the future.

In my case, I determined that the cost, at least over the short and medium term, would be justified, because without being able to download my YouTube playlists to my devices for offline consumption, I would wind up spending more purchasing the same songs for downloads. But unless you really listen to a wide variety of songs, or particularly obscure songs, on a daily basis, this will probably be a wash.

There is another reason why I expect this cost to be financially justified. Because I have fallen into the habit of needing a soundtrack for all of my activities, my data usage rates have gone through the roof. I maintain that much of this is a result of the iPhone’s use of cellular data to supplement egregiously slow wifi (the only kind of wifi that exists in my household, and at hotspots around town), and hence, not really my fault. I can’t disable this setting, because my phone is used to send life support data to and from the cloud to help support me alive.

Financial details aside, I am enjoying my trial so far. Being able to listen to music while using other apps, and without advertisements, has been a great convenience, and is already doing things to help my battery life. I have briefly perused the selection of exclusive subscriber content, and most of it falls into the category of “vaguely interesting, and probably amusing, but mostly not the kind of thing I’d set aside time to watch”. This is, perhaps interestingly, the same category into which most television series and movies also fall.

2: Give me money, maybe.

In tangentially related news, I am giving serious thought to starting a patreon page, which would allow people to give me money for creating stuff. It’s basically an internet tip jar. Not because I feel that I need money to continue inflicting my opinions on the world. Rather, because I’ve been working on a “short” (in the sense that eighty thousand words is short) story, which my friends have been trying to convince me to serialize and post here. It’s and interesting idea, and one that has a certain lure to it.

Even with my notions of someday writing a novel, this story isn’t the kind of thing that I’d seek to publish in book format, at least not until after I’ve already I’ve broken into publishing. I’m already writing this story, so the alternative is it sitting on my hard drive until something happens to it. Even if the number of people who like it is in the single digits, it costs me nothing (except maybe a bit of bruised ego that my first creation isn’t a runaway hit). And there’s always the outside chance that I might exceed my own expectations.

So me branching into fiction on this blog is looking more and more like a serious possibility. But, if I’m going to do this, I want to do this right. Committing to writing a serial story online means committing to following through with plots and characters to a satisfactory conclusion. On the sliding scale of “writing for personal entertainment” and “writing as a career”, writing a web serial inches closer to the second part than I’ve really had to think about until now. This means having the long term infrastructure in place so that I can write sustainably and regularly.

In my case, because I still aim to create things for fun, for free to the public, and on my own terms, this means having the infrastructure to accept crowdfunding donations. I wouldn’t expect to make a living this way. In fact, I’d be amazed if the site hosting would pay for itself. But it would ensure that, on the off chance that, by the time I finished this first story, a large number of people had found and enjoyed my stuff, or a small but dedicated group had decided they enjoyed my writing enough to support me, that I would have all the infrastructure in place to, first of all, gauge what was happening, and second of all, be able to double down on what works.

All of this is, of course, purely hypothetical at this point. Were it to happen, it would require a level of organization that I don’t see happening imminently. Given my summer travel plans, progress on this likely wouldn’t happen until at least mid to late July.

3: Expect Chaos

On a related note, this week starts off my much anticipated summer travels. I expect that this will be a major test of my more or less weekly plus of minus a few hours upload schedule. As a result, it is quite possible that new updates will be chaotic in when they come.

Note that I don’t know whether that means more or fewer posts than usual. Sometimes these events leave me with lots of things to say, and so inspire me to write more and release more. On the other hand, as we saw in April, sometimes I come back tired, or even sick, and have to take a few days off.

It is also possible that I will be motivated, but busy, and so may wind up posting pieces that were written a long time ago that haven’t been published for one reason or another. If this last one happens, I will endeavor to leave a note on the post to explain any chronological discrepancies.

Technological Overhaul

As my summer travels draw nearer, and my phone increasingly refuses to do my bidding when I require it, my attention has been increasingly drawn to adopting new components in my technological routine.

First, I need a new phone. While I could hypothetically squeeze another three, or maybe even six months out of it, at some point the temporary savings made by prolonging the inevitable only serve to make my life harder, which is kind of the opposite of the role that a smartphone is supposed to fulfill.

Specifically, I have two problems with my current phone. The first is battery life. I rely on my phone as a foundation on which to organize my medical routine and life support, and so when my phone fails me, things get bad quite quickly. While I’m not the most active person, I do need my phone to be capable of going eighteen hours on a single charge without dying. I don’t think this is totally unreasonable, given that it was the standard that my phone held to when I first got it. But with time and use, the time that a full charge lasts for has slowly diminished to a point where I am only scrapping by if I give my phone a mid day top off.

The second problem is memory. Admittedly, this is at least partially self-inflicted, as I thought at the time that I got my phone that I would replace it in a year or so. But then the iPhone 6 line turned out to be not what I was looking for (my 5S is already cramped in my jean pocket, so anything bigger is a problem) and I couldn’t bring myself to buy a new phone that wasn’t the newest, with the fastest chip, and so on). Subsequently, we got to a point where, today, if I want to download an app, I have to find another one to delete. Same for podcasts, music, and the like.

I’ve been able to strategically avoid this problem for most of winter into spring primarily by not being away from home wifi and chargers for more than a few days. This doesn’t exactly work for my summer itinerary, however, which includes places that don’t have easy access to streaming and charging, like the woods. This leaves me with a frustrating choice: either I can double down on my current stopgap measures and carry around portable chargers, try to shift major downloads to my iPad (something that would cause disproportionate distress and hardship) and so fourth, or I can bite the bullet and switch over to a new phone.

The main thing that has prevented me from making this leap already is the agonizing decision over which new model to pick. Back in the days when all iPhones were essentially identical except for memory, and later, color, it was a relatively simple matter. Now, I have to factor in size, chip, camera, and how much I value having a headphone jack versus how much I value having the newest and shiniest mode. Previously I had told myself that I would be content to purchase a newer version of my current phone with a better battery and larger memory. However, committing myself to purchase what is currently the oldest model still offered as my phone for the next several years is a difficult pill to swallow.

In a related vein, during my usual cost analysis which I conduct for all nonessential purchases, I came to an interesting revelation. The amount which I was prepared to spend in order to ensure that I could still access the same music which I had been streaming from YouTube while offline in the woods would vastly exceed the cost to subscribe to YouTube Red, which, allegedly, would allow me to download playlists to my phone.

Now, I have never tried YouTube Red, or any other paid streaming service. For that matter, neither I nor anyone in my family have ever paid for any kind of media subscription service (aside from paying for TV and Internet, obviously). This approach is viewed as bafflingly backwards by my friends, who are still trying to convince me to move past my grudges against Steam and Netflix. To my household, however, the notion of paying money for something that doesn’t include some physical good or deed of ownership is absurd. The notion of paying money for something that can be obtained for free is downright heretical. It’s worth noting that a disproportionate share of my family is from an economics background, academically.

Still, the math is pretty compelling. Much as I might loath the idea of not owning physical copies of my music (an idea that is quickly becoming reality regardless of my personal behavior), if we assume that my main motivations for purchasing music in the first place are to support creators I like, and to make sure I still have access to them in those edge cases where direct and constant internet access are untenable, YouTube Red seems, at least on paper, to accomplish both of those goals at a cost which is, if not lower, then at least comparable in the short and intermediate terms. And of course, there is the tangential benefit that I can listen to a far wider variety on a regular basis than if I kept to purchasing music outright.

As if to try and pounce on this temptation, YouTube has launched a new extended free trial offer: three months instead of the regular one. Naturally, a closer examination of the fine print is in order, but it appears that the only catch is signing up for automatically renewing subscription. Assuming that this is indeed the case, this may well prove enough to lure me in, at least for the trial period.

The extended free trial has a signup deadline of July 4th, which incidentally is about a week after the deadline by which I will need to have made arrangements for a new phone, or else lump it with my current one for the purposes of my summer travels. At present I am leaning towards the idea that I will move forward with both of these plans under the auspicious title of “Project Crimson”. Though it would be a trial by fire for a new technological routine, the potential benefits are certainly enticing.

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time in a magical kingdom in Florida, a certain tourist hub instituted a policy for guests with disabilities. This policy, known as the Guest Assistance Card, allowed those who were familiar with its existence and could justify its use, powers unseen to mere mortals. With one of these mystical passes, a disabled guest and their party could avoid the long lines which plagued the kingdom. Although this could not heal the guests’ wounds, and could never make up for the challenges faced by these people in everyday life, it offered the promise of an escape. It kept true to the dream of a magical vacation unbound by the stresses and turmoils of everyday life.

Unfortunately, in a storybook example of why we can’t have nice things, there were evil-doers with poison in their hearts, who sought to abuse this system and corrupt it for everyone. Shady businessmen would rent their grandparents in wheelchairs to rich families craving the awesome power to cut lines. Eventually it became inevitable that the kingdom had to close this loophole. When it did so it shattered the hearts of many a handicapped child and their families.

Alright, I think you’re all caught up on the backstory here.

Though it disappoints me greatly that it came to this, with the level of abuse being turned up in tabloids and travel blogs, it was inevitable that Disney would have to end this program. As one who has used it myself, I will be the first to admit- it was overpowered. But from the impression I got from the guest services folks, that was part of the point. The point was never to get to the lowest common denominator necessary to adhere to federal anti-discrimination laws. The point was to enable these guests to enjoy their vacation. To enable magical moments which, for some of these kids, might never happen again.

There are many reasons why, for a long time, Walt Disney World was the default Make-A-Wish Foundation (and similar) destination, and this approach to disability is one of those reasons. The new program which replaced the GAC is workable- it basically works as a sort of on the go fastpass, giving you a return time equal to the listed standby wait minus ten minutes, after which you can go through the fastpass line at your leisure. But it is mundane compensation rather than a magical silver lining to living with disability. It is a crutch rather than a tricked out motorized wheelchair.

I don’t blame Disney for this change in policy. I know how some of the people were using the GAC, and they really had no choice. I do blame the ringleaders of these black market operations, and the people who paid them. As far as I am concerned, these people are guilty of perfidy, that is, the war crime of abusing the protections of the rules of war (such as feigning wounds) to gain an advantage. As for Disney, I am disappointed, but understanding.

I wish that this fairytale had a more appropriate ending. I wish that I could say that the evil doers faced poetic justice and were made to wait in an endless line while having to listen to the sounds of children crying and complaining about waiting. Unfortunately, this did not happen, and these few bad apples spoiled the bunch.

Revisiting the Future

A little less than three years ago I was on a seven day cruise on the Disney Fantasy. It was New Year’s Eve, and our ship had just passed into the Bermuda Triangle. The live show that evening featured the tribulations of a trio of teenagers coming to grips with the fact that they could no longer reasonably claim to be mere children, and would soon have to enter the dreaded “real world”. It struck a chord with me, even though I was still a couple years younger than the protagonists, and graduation seemed far off. Still, it was the first time that graduation, and the world beyond it, truly struck me a genuine, personally relevant concern.

Despite little of immediate, lasting consequence occurring on that particular cruise, I have nonetheless come to consider it something of a turning point in my life. About this same time, it began to become undeniably apparent to all interested parties that the school’s strategy towards my disability of masterly inactivity would most likely not be sufficient to assure my timely graduation. At the same time, I began to solidify my own doubts that the school administration would prove capable of overcoming its bureaucratic inertia. In short, it became clear that following the “normal” path would not end with my triumphant graduation and ascension to the most prestigious colleges with a full scholarship, etcetera, etcetera, as I had previously planned.

Shortly after we returned home, I began to receive fliers from various academic institutions. I chuckled at this, feeling appropriately flattered that they would deign to waste the cost of postage on one such as myself, yet nevertheless regarding their outreach as premature, and not of genuine concern. After all, with the delays which the school had made in processing various transfer credits from my online classes, it was suddenly unclear what my graduating year ought to be listed as. How could I give serious consideration to such far-off problems when I could not even confirm my graduating date?

My eighteenth birthday, which I had previously imagined would mark the milestone of my victorious conquest over public education, and the commencement of my proud campaign into the “real world”, was spent, like so many other days of my life thus far, in a hospital bed, struggling for survival. Although I knew that such an occasion ought to merit some manner of recognition and self reflection, given my circumstances, I was too preoccupied with the difficult task of evading imminent death to give much thought to the future. I promised myself, as indeed my parents promised me, that once I had recovered, and these temporary troubles with my schoolwork had been dealt with once and for all, that we would have a grand celebration for my birthday. Nothing came of this promise; indeed, I have not had a proper birthday party with a guest list and presents since.

The last day of my fourth year of high school was bittersweet, to put it mildly. On the one hand, summer meant a welcome reprieve from the daily stress of regular classes (by this point, most of my actual academic progress was being accomplished at home with the assistance of a tutor, and this would not change), and a temporary truce between myself and the administrators who, during the school year, sought to harass me daily over my apparent lack of progress. On the other hand, it was the last day I would see any of the friends I had made in school. They, unlike myself, had been able to keep their heads down, and stick to the normal path. They had graduated. All of them were college bound, and excited about it. Despite my efforts to be empathetic, I could not bring myself to subject myself to attending the graduation ceremony that I could not participate in.

Shorty before that day, I had resigned myself to the fact that I was going to remain in high school for an indeterminate period. Neither I nor the administration could come up with an estimate for my completion, owing to missing or misplaced records on their part. Guesses ranged from three months to four years. With no new data, and a history of disappointment, I gave up on guessing. With no graduation date, I could not make plans for college. With no plans, I had nothing to look forward to. Working mainly from home rather than subjecting myself to the degradation of school, the days and weeks began to meld together. With no real future to look forward to, I gave up on the future altogether.

This may sound like a purgatorial dystopia. And indeed, it was. I joked about this much with my friends over text messages. Yet I would be remiss if I didn’t last say that it was also quite liberating. With no change from day to day, I could stop worrying about anything beyond the present moment. After all, I had total job security. There was always plenty of schoolwork to ensure that I never had energy to make use of any free time I might have. There was no petty social drama; no conflict of any kind. So long as I had no expectations, I could never be disappointed. It was a dystopia alright, and a perfectly executed one at that.

Yet, within the last two weeks, something has changed. Last week, my special education case manager contacted me regarding some manner of questionnaire meant for outgoing seniors. My natural response was and remains to ignore it. If it is important enough, they will get it to me another way, and if it isn’t, I’ve just saved myself a great deal of effort. Still, this bears relevance if for no other reason then because it is the first time which they have recognized me as a senior, and on track to graduate. The same week, I received a mass email from the guidance department (where they got my address in order to spam me remains a mystery) regarding generic scholarship offers. Suddenly, it seems, my tranquil little dystopia is under siege from the “real world”.

After years of doing my utmost to avoid imagining a future outside of a weather forecast, I am suddenly being made to explain my life plans. A younger, pre-cruise version of myself would be excited. Things are back on track. Things are getting back to normal. Except, things can never go quite back to normal. Trying to relive past fantasies is a fool’s errand, and trying to navigate the coming future by the plans a different me made many years ago, or by whatever cookie-cutter claptrap the administration may find in their self-righteous self-help books, will only end with me facing the same problems as now five years from now.

Imagining a realistic future which is completely independent from both the administration and my own childhood fantasies is both difficult and daunting. Indeed, given the nature of my disabilities, and the apparent track record of my forecasting abilities, it begs the question whether a future plan which extends beyond my next quarterly hospital visit is even knowable in any meaningful capacity. Given that I cannot say with any absolute confidence that I will even still be alive in five years, does it really make sense to speculate on what a life for me might look like?

Coincidentally, on that same cruise which seems simultaneously so recent and so distant from me, I saw for the first time the filmic adaptation of “Into the Woods”. While I shall endeavor to avoid spoilers, suffice it to say that the theme of planning for the future, and having said plans go awry does come up. Indeed, one of the songs, arguably my favorite of the lot, focuses on the dilemma faced by one of the protagonists when pressed into a snap decision which has the potential to radically affect her entire future. The conclusion she reaches is to avoid the dichotomy altogether, and to keep her options open rather than back herself into a corner. It turns out to be the correct decision, as both alternatives collapse in the long run. This is interesting advice, which I think I shall endeavor to apply to my own like situation.

So, what can I say about my future? Well, I can say that even though I may not be absolutely confident in a specific graduation date, that I will most likely graduate from public school in the next year or so. I can say that I would like to continue my education and attend university, even if I do not yet know where and precisely how I will make attendance work, or how I will be able to apply given the problems with my transcript. I can say that I intend to travel and learn about other places, people, and cultures, as traveling and learning have had an undeniably positive impact on my life thus far. I can say that I intend to continue to write and speak about my experiences.

But perhaps most importantly, I can say that my path will not be the “normal” one, and as such, it is perfectly acceptable to not have every detail planned out. Just as I can learn without a grade, and have a positive role without having a neatly defined career, so too can I have a future without having a plan.

Nailing the Colors

“Throw your soldiers into positions whence there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

Pardon the French

I often find that the hardest part of traveling for me is making the actual decision to commit to traveling. I mean, actually getting places is hard too, doubly so if I have to go through some kind of screening, seeing as how my medical devices, being both electronic and attached to me, set off alarms at every checkpoint, but over the years I’ve grown used to this.

The hardest part of traveling is determining whether this particular event is worth putting my metaphorical money where my mouth is. Not because money, or even travel time, are acutely scarce in my case, but rather because travel, especially in my case, requires a great deal of planning, and entails a considerable health risk.

The trouble with galavanting across the globe lies in the basic physiological fact that my body, unlike most, is not medically self sufficient. Simple sustenance is not enough for me to stave off death; I require a constant and complex life support regime to travel with me, with replacement and backup parts. Certain aspects of this baggage must be refrigerated, all of it requires special hazmat disposal, and from time to time, I still need to cease my activities in order to plug my cyborg components into a wall socket.

In addition to all of this routine hassle, I also must remain vigilant about the very real possibility of a more acute crisis. With increased activity and exposure to heretofore unknown pathogens comes an increased risk of medical catastrophe. And being far from my home and those doctors that are most familiar with my unique conditions amplifies the likelihood that, if something does go wrong, it will become critical.

I am a person who tends to overthink. I like to have the complete information before making a decision, and I like to take my time in doing so. When faced with uncertainty, I am broadly inclined to hedge my bets. A lifetime of chronic illness has taught me great appreciation for the value of playing one’s cards conservatively. This is, after all, the nature of medicine. Err on the side of caution. Prevent rather than cure. Rest, recuperate, and live to fight another day.

Yet this mindset is rather incongruous with modern travel. Traveling requires visas, reservations, tickets, invitations, and scheduling, all of which require commitment. One has to be able and willing to certify that they will be in a certain place on a certain day for a certain purpose, regardless of whatever extenuating circumstances may crop up between now and then. There is no option on airline bookings, or hotel reservations, to say “Yes, I will be there on February 24th with two other guests, unless of course one of us has a major health crisis or somesuch calamity.” Rather, it is “I will be there on February 24th with precisely two others, damn the torpedoes.”

This oversight seems to stem from the mistaken assumption that I have control over my life inasmuch as scheduling is concerned. That perhaps I was dealt a poor hand to begin with, but now that I have, it is solely my power to determine how I play my hand. This is absolutely not the case. I have no more control over the timing of my health problems than the average American does over the use of the US nuclear arsenal in an international crisis. That is to say, I can make my wishes known to the powers that be, and I can, on occasion, take indirect action to influence the overall outcome, but on the whole, my role is purely reactive.

In truth, I think this is part of what is so exhilarating to me about travel. Even in something as mundane as traveling across the state to visit friends, I am taking a gamble. I am nailing my colors to the mast, and committing to an offensive battle instead of waiting for my illness to strike first, and for me to react. Each one of these battles carries the distinct risk that it may be my last, and so I must choose my battles carefully.

With this in mind, I have decided to commit to making an appearance at NerdCon: Nerdfighteria in Boston this weekend. I plan to make myself identifiable with an oversized button of the compass-and-pencil seal. If my recently acquired and as yet untested means of button production work as envisioned, I will have some quantity of such buttons to distribute. In other words, come and say hi!

Keeping Promises

I have just been informed of a setback to one of the research programs which I have had my eye on as a possible answer to my disability. The setback is not a natural discovery of some scientific obstacle, but rather a political hurdle put in place by the new American presidential administration.

A researcher who had been tapped to work in the United States on curing several deadly disease, including tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and Type 1 Diabetes, was denied boarding in Frankfurt on the grounds that she was an Iranian national [1][2].

What ever happened to “a big, fat beautiful door right in the middle of the wall” for the “good people” who “have recommendations from people”? This is, after all, the alleged basis for the new executive orders [3]. The researcher in question held a doctorate from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, and was slated to work at Harvard on the personal recommendation of Dr. Soumya Raychaudhuri. Does this not sound like a good person wth recommendations?

This isn’t a question of how to process those who have come to the US illegally. This is someone whose visa was approved, who had even traveled to the US previously [1][2]. This is about America keeping its promises. Because if the United States government decides it can get away with breaking its word whenever it feels like it, how are foreign governments supposed to trust that the US will uphold its end of the bargain when, say, negotiating trade deals, or even security treaties? How are foreign leaders supposed to trust our dealmaker in chief when he decides to renegotiate all of current treaties? This is already in the minds of our European allies, who see this kind of promise-breaking as a destabilizing move [4].

Moreover, if the US government decides it can break its own rules when dealing with foreigners, what is to stop it from deciding it has to keep its promises to its own citizens? We don’t have to imagine an answer, because the State Department has already given us one, saying the dual citizens will be subject to the ban [5].

That is to say that American citizens who are of certain ancestry will not be permitted reentry to the country. This is, frankly, horrifying, and, perhaps ironically, makes me glad I have a second passport. Although I do not plan to leave the country over this latest debacle, I can now say with confidence which I would pick if forced to choose.

Works consulted:

1) Kliff, Sarah. ““But I have a valid visa:” An Iranian researcher barred from flying to US for new job.” Vox 28 Jan. 2017: n. pag. Web.

2) Gans, Felicia. “‘I told him I do have a valid visa, but he told me that it doesn’t matter.’.” Boston Globe. N.p., 29 Jan. 2017. Web. 29 Jan. 2017.

3) Johnson, Kevin R. “Trump’s ‘Big, Beautiful Door’ Is a Big, Beautiful Step in the Right Direction.” Time. N.p., 29 Oct. 2015. Web. 29 Jan. 2017. <>.

4) Smale, Alison. “European Leaders Reject Trump’s Refugee Ban as Violating Principle.” The New York Times. N.p., 29 Jan. 2017. Web. 29 Jan. 2017. <>.

5) Jordan, Miriam, Ian Lovett, and Alejandro Lazo. “Donald Trump’s Immigration Order Sparks Confusion, Despair at Airports.” The Wall Street Journal. N.p., 29 Jan. 2017. Web. 29 Jan. 2017. <>.

Sovereignty Revisited

How do you define a nation? How do you define a state? Does a nation necessitate a state, and vice versa?

The answer to the final question is most likely the simplest of the lot to answer. The existence of such governments-in-exile during World War II, as the Free French government, the Belgian and Dutch governments in London and Canada, and related, prove that a state can exist without distinctly sovereign territory or citizens to govern. Relatedly, the claims of states are not inherently mutually exclusive. The Republic of Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (South and North Korea, respectively), both claim full sovereignty of the entire peninsula. During the Cold War, both the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany claimed to be the sole German nation, claiming all of German territory, and its citizens. This point became important during reunification, as it meant that former East German citizens were automatically entitled to western social services.

But perhaps the most fascinating study is the case of the two Chinas – that is, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of China. Unlike previous examples, this particular division is not the result of joint Soviet/American occupation, but rather the direct result of the end of the Chinese Civil War. The Republic of China, better known to westerners as Taiwan, maintains its claim over the entire Chinese mainland and, critically, claims to be the legitimate successor to China’s millennia of history. This is particularly interesting, as it helps provide an answer to the first question.

A nation, therefore, has as its basic characteristics, a geographic area, a citizenry, and a distinct historical identity. Yet, while a nation may encompass a specific geographical area, it will be seen that a nation need not be restricted to a single sovereign state. Like the case of the two Germanies, the two Chinas, and the governments in exile, a single nation can quite easily have multiple states and governments, even when said states are at odds or even at war.

Of course, this is not news. In Europe, the notion of Europe as a single nation that merely happens to have multiple states is well ingrained, if not universally applauded, with many states going so far as to functionally abolish borders. In the Middle East, the formerly-popular Ba’ath ideology supports the notion of a pan-Arab state. Pan-Africanism remains a strong political force in Africa. The United States of America was originally intended to support this idea, acting as an open federation of American states.

With such historical context, it seems difficult to believe that a nation cannot exist without closed borders. Few will contend that Germany is not a “real” nation because it dismantled the death strips on its borders. Fewer still will maintain that the state of New York has destroyed its economy by allowing open borders and free trade with its neighbor, New Jersey. Yet some still continue to insist that a nation cannot be a nation without fortified borders and rigid immigration restrictions.

To be clear, there are plenty of legitimate reasons for maintaining border security. There are reasons why a state may wish to prevent illegal immigration. But national sovereignty is not among them.

For reference, here is the US-Canada border in Alaska. It’s worth noting here for the record that more illegal immigrants come through this border than the US-Mexico one. And yet, there is no talk of building a wall.

And here is the monument just beside the checkpoint, celebrating the fact that we as a nation do not require fortified borders to feel secure.

The monument calls the friendship between the US and Canada, and the resulting open borders, “a lesson of peace to all nations”. The new administration would do well to remember this lesson.